
Kamus Anglo-Saxon Old English Bosworth & Toller - feoh-fang

Menurut Kamus Old English:

Substitute: (1) taking money as a bribe. II. 4:--Sé þe undóm gedéme for feohfange (-fancge, v. l.), beó hé wið þone cyningc .cxx. scill. scyldig, Ll. Th. i. 384, 10. (2) the fine inflicted for bribery, the right to receive such fines:--Huic libertati concedo additamentum, in qua nomina consuetudinum Anglice praecepi ponere . . . fyhfænge, Cht. Th. 411, 31. feoh-fang

Kata terkait: feoh;
