
Kamus Anglo-Saxon Old English Bosworth & Toller - haca

Menurut Kamus Old English:

'For Gl. Mett. 658 substitute :-- Haca (haeca, 87, 1559) pessul, Txts. 88, 803, and add: Perhaps the word occurs in the following :-- On hacapenn foreweard . . . on hacapenn foreweardne, C. D. iii. 412, 2, 14, An hacan penne, is the form in the MS. printed C. D. B. iii. 395, 18), vi. 41, 24. Here there might be reference to the enclosures being bolted, or to their construction with hurdles, cf. hæc, and see hake in N. E. D. [O. L. Ger. haco uncus.] haca

Kata terkait: 238, 30. On hacan pundfold, of hacan pundfalde (haccan
