
Kamus Anglo-Saxon Old English Bosworth & Toller - hund

Menurut Kamus Old English:

Add: The word is used both as substantive (governing a noun in the genitive) or as adjective (agreeing with noun). The dative plural, though sometimes like the nominative, also has both e and um as inflection. I. as abstract numeral :-- Twéntig síðon seofon beóð án hund and feówertig, Angl. viii. 303, 6. II. as substantive. (1) without lesser numerals :-- Þæt þanon wǽre tó helle duru hund þúsenda míla gemearcodes, Sat. 723. Hund scillinga gelde se ágend, Ll. Th. i. 28, 5. Hé hæfde án hund þúsenda gehorsedra, Ors. 3, 9; S. 124, 34: B. 2994. Þæt wæs nigon x hund þúsenda decies navies centena millia virorum, Ors. 2, 5; S. 84, 29. Þreóm hundum scill. gylde se ágend, Ll. Th. i. 26, 9. Mid twám hunde scipa, Ors. 4, 6; S. 178, 27: 176, 10: 180, 5. Fór hé mid siex hund monna, 3, 9; S. 128, 13. Genóm Calatinus iii hund monna mid him, Ors. 4, 6; S. 172, 20. (2) with lesser numerals, and (a) followed by the lesser numeral :-- Æfter þǽm þe Rómeburg getimbred wæs ii hunde wintra and hundeahtatigum post urbem conditam anno ccxc, Ors. 2, 6; S. 86, 19. Mid feówer hunde scipa and þritigum cum trecentis triginta navibus, 4, 6; S. 172, 31. Mid iii hund scipa and lxgum cum ducentis sexaginta navibus, 176, 25. Æfter þǽm þe Rómeburg getimbred wæs iii hunde wintra and án, 2, 7; S. 90, 5. Ymb feówer hund wintra and seofone (vii winter, ) anno ccccº viiº, Bd. 1, 11; Sch. 30, 12. Feówer hund wintra and þæs fíftan hundseofontig post annos ferme cccclxx, 26. (a α) where a preposition is used with both numbers :-- Mid þrím hunde scipa and mid xxx, Ors. S. 4, 5. Ymb feówer hunde wintra and ymb feówertig, 2, 2; S. 64, 20. An feówer hund eá and on lx, 2. 4; S. 74, 1. (b) preceded by the smaller number :-- Hiora scipa xxx gefangen, and iiii and án hund ádruncen centum et quatuor naves demersae, triginta captae, Ors. 4, 6; S. 176, 13. Þǽr wǽron xxx and c gearora (centum triginta), 172, 5: C. D. vi. 243, 12. Æfter l wintra and feówer hundum post annos quadringentos et quadraginta, Ors. 4, 7; S. 182, 19. Wintra hæfde fíf and hundnigontig ... and eahta hund, Gen. 1179. (3) with ordinals :-- Cuóm feórðe healf hund scipa, Chr. 851; P. 64, 17. Heora mon áhéng fífte healf hund quadringenti et quinquaginta servi in crucem acti, Ors. 5, 3; S. 222, 30. III. as adjective. (1) without lesser numerals :-- Þæt wǽron fiéftiéne hund þúsend monna quinquies decies centena millia peditum equitumque, Ors. 3, 9; S. 128, 22. iiii hund wintrum æfter þǽm þe Rómeburg getimbred wæs anna ab Urbe condita cccc, Ors. 3, 7; S. 110, 14. Hund síðon centies, twá (þreó, &c.) síðon du- (tri-, &c.) centies, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 286, 6, 12. (2) with lesser numerals, and (a) followed by them :-- iii hund and siex men of ǽgðerre healfe, Ors. 2, 6; S. 86, 21. iiii hunde wintrum and hundeahtatigum, 1, 10; S. 44, 3: 4, 9; S. 188, 29. v hunde wintrum and vii, 4, 7; S. 180, 15. Feówer hunde wintrum and feówer and siextigum, 4, 1; S. 154, 1. On þrím hund dagum and fíf and sixtigum, Angl. vii. 14, 128. On þrím hund dagum and eahta and sixtigum dagum, 130. Eahta hund and feówertigum feórum, Gen. 1161. (b) where the lesser numeral precedes :-- Seofon winter ond eahta hund, Gen. 1140. v. hundred, hund-teóntig. hund-,hund

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