
ボズワースとトラーラーのアングロ・サクソン古英語辞典 - den-bera


pl. n. Lat. Substitute: den-bǽre, es; n. A swine-pasture (used only in pl.):--Ðis synt ðá denbǽra ðe tó ðissum londe belimpað, C. D. ii. 195, 15. Þis synt þá denbǽra on wealda, 216, 4. Þá denbǽro, 265, 33. Mid ðǽm denbǽrum in Limenwero wealdo and in burhwaro wealdo and in bócholte, C. D. B. i. 344, 10. ¶ Add to the Latin forms given in Dict.:--Adiectis IIII daenberis in commune saltu, C. D. i. 140, 12. II. den-bera

関連語: weald-, wer-bǽre; bǽr; denn,
