보즈워스와 톨러의 앵글로색슨어 고대 영어 사전 - hrycg-hrægel
고대 영어 사전에 따르면:
- hrycg-hrægel
- n. A dorsal, mantle :-- Ic geann ánes hricghrægles ðæs sélestan ðe ic hæbbe I give one dorsal the best that I have, Chart. Th. 529, 10, where Thorpe appends this note in explanation of the word, '"manteau très riche d'ornemens, qui n'étoit porté que par les gens de haute condition." Roquefort, voce Dossal. A dorsal is also a wall-hanging of tapestry, used chiefly in the church at the back of the stalls.' vii setlhrægel and iii ricghrægel and ii wahræft, 429, 28. hrycg-hrægel