보즈워스와 톨러의 앵글로색슨어 고대 영어 사전 - læt
고대 영어 사전에 따르면:
- læt
- m. One of a class that was inferior to that of the ceorl but above that of the slave. The word occurs only in the following passage :-- Gif[man] læt ofslæhþ ðone sélestan lxxx scill. forgelde gif ðane óðerne ofslæhþ lx scillingum forgelde ðane þriddan xl scillingum forgelden if any one slay a 'læt' of the highest class, let him pay eighty shillings; if he slay one of the second, let him pay sixty shillings; let them pay for one of the third with forty shillings, L. Ethb. 26; Th. i. 8, 12-14. See Stubbs' Const. Hist. s. v: Grmm. R. A. 305-309: Grff. ii. 190: Thorpe's Glossary: Kemble's Saxons in England, i. c. 8: Lappenberg's Hist. ii. 321. -læt,læt