보즈워스와 톨러의 앵글로색슨어 고대 영어 사전 - módig-ness
고대 영어 사전에 따르면:
- módig-ness
- f. I. in a bad sense, Pride:--Módignys superbia, Wrt. Voc. i. 76, 26. Se eahteoða heáfodleahter is módignyss (þe ehtuðe sunne is ihatan superbia, þet is on englisc modinesse, O. E. Homl. i. 103, 33), Homl. Th. ii. 218, 22. Flǽsces tóbryte módignesse carnis terat superbiam, Hymn. Surt. 9, 22. Ða heofenlícan myrhþe ðe ða englas þurh módignysse forluron, Homl. Th. i. 360, 28. II. in a good sense, Highmindedness, magnanimity, greatness of mind which does not resent injury:--Eahta sweras syndon ðe rihtlícne cynedóm upwegaþ:sóþfæstnys, módignes (patientia), L. I. P. 3; Th. ii. 306, 28. [Þatt wǽre modiȝnesse & UNCERTAIN idell ȝellp, Orm. 12040: stiȝþ on heh þurh modinesse, O. and N. 1405.] modig-ness