보즈워스와 톨러의 앵글로색슨어 고대 영어 사전 - stoppa
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an ;
- stoppa
- m. A stop, a bucket, pail. Halliwell gives stop a small well-bucket, and also stoppe a bucket, or milking-pail, as Norfolk words ; the latter being still in use. 'The holy-water stoppe was a vessel containing holy-water placed near the entrance of a church, and was sometimes made of lead' :--Stoppa situla, Wrt. Voc. i. 25, 10 : bona (?), 288, 2 : botholicula, ii. 126, 55 : bothonicla, 11, 20 : bothonicula, Txts. 42, 122. [Prompt. Parsitula, haustrum, stoppe, vessel for mylkynge multra, multrale, multrum.] v. buter-stoppa. stoppa