
Kamus Anglo-Saxon Old English Bosworth & Toller - feorran

Menurut Kamus Old English:

ad I. of space (lit. or fig.), (1) from a distance:--Gefetadne feorran arceri porro, Wrt. Voc. ii. 92, 35. Sume cumað swíðe feorran and habbað swíðe længe weig, Solil. H. 44, 5. Sume hí cómon feorran (fearre, L., feorra, R. de longe), Mk. 8, 3. Þá wíf wǽron feorran (fearra, L. R.) behealdende erant mulieres de longe aspicientes, 15, 40. Fearra, Rtl. 55, 28. (2) at a distance:--Ús ðé feorran (longe) wǽron, Hml. Th. i. 106, 16. Ðá stód se mánfulla feorran (fearra, R., fearra tó, L.) publicanus a longe stans, Lk. 18, 13: 23, 49: 17, 12. Petrus him fyligde feorran (feorra, R., fearre, L. a longe), Mk. 14, 54. Hé feorran (feorra, R., fearra, L. a longe) geseah án fíctreów, 11, 13: Lk. 16, 23. II. of time. (1) of a distant past:--Frumsceaft fira feorran reccan to tell the origin of men from the most remote past, B. 91: 2106. (2) of a distant future:--Hé wolde feorran and lange ǽr cýðan his ðrowunge, Hml. Th. i. 152, 29. Fela wítegan bodedon Drihten tóweardne, sume feorran, sume neán, 358, 7. Hé fela þing feorran wiste ǽr þan þe hit gewurde, Hml. S. 31, 1009. [v. N. E. D. ferren. O. Sax. ferran: O. H. Ger. ferron.] v. feorrane. feorran

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