
Kamus Anglo-Saxon Old English Bosworth & Toller - for-hicgan

Menurut Kamus Old English:


p. ede, de; pp. ed To neglect, reject, despise, condemn; despĭcĕre, spernĕre :-- Se wæs middangeard forhicgende he was despising the world; cum esset contemptu mundi insignis, Bd. 5, 9; S. 623, 25. Se ðeme forhigþ qui spernit me, Jn. Bos. 12, 48. We forhicgaþ on arísendum on us spernēmus insurgentes in nōbis, Ps. Spl. 43, 7. Driht ná forhigede and ne forseah béne þearfena Dŏmĭnus non sprēvit neque despexit deprecātiōnem paupĕris, 21, 23. Ná he forhigde béne heora non sprēvit prĕcem eōrum, 101, 18.

Kata terkait: for-hycgan. for-hicgan
