
Kamus Anglo-Saxon Old English Bosworth & Toller - fóre-cuman

Menurut Kamus Old English:

part. -cumende; ic -cume, ðú -cumest, -cymest, -cymst, he -cumeþ, -cymeþ, -cymþ, -cimþ, pl. -cumaþ; p. -com, -cwom, pl. -cómon, -cwómon; pp. -cumen To come forth, come before, prevent; prævĕnire :-- Ðæt ðú sí fórecumende Drihtnes onsýne in andetnesse quo præoccupando făciem Dŏmĭni in confessiōne, Bd. 4, 25; S. 599, 42. God fórecymeþ me Deus prævĕniet me, Ps. Spl. 58, 10. Fórecymþ prævĕniet, 67, 34. Ic fórecom oððe ic fórhradode on rípunga oððe on rípnysse prævēni in matūrĭtāte, Ps. Lamb. 118, 147. Ðú fórecóme hine on bletsunge swétnysse prævēnisti eum in benedictiōníĭbus dulcēdĭnis. Ps. Spl. 20, 3. Fórecómon eágan míne to ðé on dægréd prævēnērunt ŏcŭli mei ad te dilūcŭlo, Ps. Spl. 118, 148: 17, 21. [Goth. faura-qíman.]

Kata terkait: fór-cuman. fore-cuman
