Mid-gesíþ (?)
Kamus Anglo-Saxon Old English Bosworth & Toller - mid-gesíþ (?)
Menurut Kamus Old English:
:-- Midgesíðum emhlenned
- mid-gesíþ (?)
- sodalibus vallatus, Hpt. Gl. 422, 38. Napier (An. Ox. 680, note) from this passage deduces a midgesíþ (cf. Goth. miþ-gasinþa) on the ground that mid as preposition here would be unsuitable. But if the construction with verbs similar to emhlenned is noted (e. g. ymb-gyrdan, -habban, -hegian, -hípan) it will be seen that mid is a usual construction, so that mid gesíðum seems to be quite unobjectionable. mid-gesiþ