
Kamus Anglo-Saxon Old English Bosworth & Toller - wīg-trod

Menurut Kamus Old English:


, es; n. : -trodu (? f. A war-track, the road along which an army has passed :-- Wītrod ( = wīgtrod) gefeól heáh of heofonum handweorc Godes on to the track where the host of Israel had passed fell from the heavens the lofty walls raised by God's hand (cf. se āgend up ārǣrde reáde streámas. . . syndon da foreweallas gestēpte ōō wolcna hrōf, 196, 28; Exod. 298), Cd. Th. 208, 31 ; Exod. 491. wig-trod

Kata terkait: wíg-rād), e;
