
Kamus Anglo-Saxon Old English Bosworth & Toller - wǽpned

Menurut Kamus Old English:

adj. Male; used substantively, a male, a man:--Ǽlc wǽpned gecyndlim ontýnende omne masculinum adaperiens uuluam, Lk. Skt. 2, 23. Micel gedál is on wǽpnedes and wífes líchroman, Lchdm ii. 84, 16. Se ðe mid wǽpnedum men hǽme qui cum viro coiverit, L. Ecg. C. 16; Th. ii. 144, 7. Wépned and wíf geworhte hiǽ God masculum et feminam fecit eos, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 19, 4. Wíf and wǽpned, Cd. Th. 12, 33; Gen. 195: 166, 9; Gen. 2745. Wífes meoluc ðe wǽpned féde, Lchdm. ii. 338, 8. II, and following compounds. wæpned

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