
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - a-dýdan

According to the Old English Dictionary:


p. -dýdde; pp. -dýded, -dýd; [a, dýdan to die] To put to death, to destroy, kill, mortify; perdere, occidere :-- Wolde híg adýddan would destroy them, Ælfc. T. 22, 19. Ðæt ic náteshwon nelle heonon forþ eall flǽsc adýdan mid flódes wæterum that I will not, by any means, henceforth destroy all flesh with the waters of a flood, Gen. 9, 11. Ǽlc þing ðe líf hæfde wearþ adýd everything which had life was destroyed, Gen. 7, 23. a-dydan

Related words: a.
