Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - a-fīndan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- a-fīndan
- l. ā-findan ; p. -fand, -funde; pl. -fundon; pp. -funden, and add; I. to find out as the result of search, enquiry, trial :-- Ic āfunde Dauid æfter mīnre heortan, Hml. S. 18, 30. Man āfunde mid him swutele tācnu, Hml. A. 95, 116. Āsændon hī inn ǣnne his būrdēna, and sē āfunde his hlāford licgan heáfodleásne, 113, 364. Helena dā rōde āfunde, H. R. 99, 8. Hē hyne āxode hwæt hē āfunde be þām Hǣlende, St. A. 44, 11. Hē ne mihte on his mōde āfindan (he could not find it in his heart) þæt hē þone nacodan ne gefrēfrode, Hml. Th. ii. 500, 25. Gif ǣnig mǣden mihte beón āfunden, Hml. A. 94, 72. Ðǣra sceápa hlāford com hām āfundenum sceápe, Hml. Th. i. 340, 5. II. where knowledge comes without search, etc., (1) to become or be made aware of something :-- Gif man āfinded his ǣhte, syddan hē hit gebohte hæfed, unhāl if a person's cattle turns out, after he has bought it, to be unsound, Ll. Th. i. 180, 20. Māga gerecednysse hē āfunde affinium relatione comperit, An. Ox. 3143. Eóde heó in tō hire berne; þā āfunde heó ꝥ hire sunu hæfde þearfum gedǣled þone hwǣte, Gr. D. 68, 17. Gif man āfinde ꝥ heora ǣnig on wōhre gewitnesse wǣre, Ll. Th. i. 204, 23. Ǣr hine þā men āfundan before the men became aware of him, Chr. 7551 P. 49, 1. Hē wæs deófol āfunden he turned out to be a devil, Hml. S. 18, 48. (2) to find out, learn the nature of something, experience :-- Swipa āfinden mastigias experiamur, An. Ox. 5369. Ne dearf ic dēsecgan hū hefig sorg men beoþ seó gēmen his bearna, for dām dū hit hafast āfunden be þē selfum. Bt. 31, i; F. 112, 19. (3) to find, discover, meet with a person, (a) lit. :-- Hī forlēton hine tō ānum treówe gebun-denne. Hē weard āfunden fram dām folce þǣr, Hml. A. 107, 158. (b) fig. :-- Hī blissodon ꝥ hī swilcne foresprecan him āfunden hæfdon, 101. 317. [O. H. Ger. ar-findan experiri, deprehendere. ]