
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - a-secgan

According to the Old English Dictionary:


p. -sægde, -sǽde; pp. -sægd, -sǽd [a out, secgan to say] To speak out, declare, express, tell, say, relate, explain, announce, proclaim; edicere, effari, exprimere, referre, enarrare, annunciare :-- Ic him mín ǽrende asecgan wille I will relate to him my errand, Beo. Th. 693; B. 344. Heofonas asecgaþ wuldor Godes cæli enarrant gloriam Dei, Ps. Spl. C. 18, 1. Wundor asecgan miraculum enarrare, Bd. 3, 2 ; S. 524, 39. Gif seó gemyndelíc wíse asǽd biþ if that memorable thing be told, 4, 22; S. 590, 32 : Bt. 34, 8 ; Fox 144, 22 : 35,1; Fox 154, 18. Hím engel Godes eall asægde God's angel told him all, Cd. 179; Th. 225, 19; Dan. 156. Ðá asǽdon his geféran then said his com-panions, Ors. 4, 6; Bos. 86, 33. Óþ ðæt ic asecge donec annunciem, Ps. Th. 70, 17. a-secgan