Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - æ-rist
According to the Old English Dictionary:
æ-ryst, æ-rest, es;
- æ-rist
- m; e; f. A rising up, the resurrection; resurrectio: -- Drihtnes ærist the resurrection of the Lord, Menol, Fox 116; Men. 58. Æfter æriste after resurrection, Exon. 64a; Th. 235, 18 ; Ph. 559. Ðú mín setl swylce oncneówe and mínne ærist æfter gecýþdest tu cognovisti sessionem meam et resurrectionem meam, Ps. Th. 138, 1: Hy. 10, 55. Ærist gefremede accomplished his resurrection, Exon. 48b; Th. 168, 6; Gú. 1073. Ðonne æriste ealle gefremmaþ when all shall accomplish their resurrection, 63a; Th. 231, 26; Ph. 495. [Goth. urrists. f.] ærist,æ-rist