
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - æfte-weard

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Dele first quotation, and add:--On æfteweardum ðǽm sealme in the latter part of the psalm, Ps. Th. 38, arg. On æftewyrdne December, and on foreweardan Ianuarie ðám mónþe, Lch. iii. 154, 12. ¶ substantive use:--On æfteweardan ðæs regoles, Hml. S. 3, 150. On æfteweardan ylde heó bið on bedde lange licgende, Lch. iii. 184, 6. Hand sceal habban h on forewerdan and d on æfteweardan, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 292, 3. æfte-weard