
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - æg

According to the Old English Dictionary:

l. ǽg, and add:--Dó ǽges ðæt hwíte tó, Lch. ii. 20, 12. Genim ǽges ðæt geoluwe, 22, 19. Ǽges geola, 130, 12. Nó ðonne bútan med-mycelne dǽl hláfes and án henne ǽg mid lytle meolc wætere gemengedre hé onféng, Bd. 3, 23; S. 554, 33. Þreó ǽgero, Shrn. 135, 18. Gif hit festendæg sié selle mon fisces and butran and aegera ðaet mon begeotan maege, C. D. i. 293, 11. Genim nigon ǽgra . . . and nim eall swá fela dropena wínes swá ðǽra ǽgra beó, Lch. i. 380, 1-5. Sellan ǽgra tó súpanne, ii. 220, 7. Genim gebrǽdde ǽgru, 100, 11. Gif hé gesihð henne ǽgru lecgan, iii. 204, 30. Hwæt máre ytst ðú? Wyrta and ǽgra, Coll. M. 34, 27. æg-,æg