
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - æppel-tún

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add:--Æppeltún pomerium, Wrt. Voc. i. 84, 53. Eappultún, Ps. Srt. 78, 1. 'Ǽlc gód treów . . . and yfel treów . . .' Ne mǽnde úre Drihten ðá treówa ðe on æppeltúne weaxað, Hml. Th. ii. 406, 10. On æppeltúne gán anxsumnysse getácnað, Lch. iii. 206, 17. Binnon his æppeltún in hortum arboribus consitum, Hml. A. 100, 269. On orcgearde . . . on æppeltúnum in hortis, Past. 381, 14, 16. æppel-tun