Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - æt-īwness
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- æt-īwness
- f. I. shewing, display of what may be seen or noted :-- Seó æteównes þāra wīta ne byþ nā gelīce nyt eallum mannum, Gr. D. 317, 23. In þǣre ætȳwnesse (-eáw-, ) wundorlices foretācnes, 19, 4. In æteównysse (-eáwnesse, v. l.) þæs īdlan gylpes, 77, 3. la. shewing which serves as proof :-- Ðerh menigo dǣra tāceno ædeáunisse per multa signorum experimenta, Jn. p, 2, 1. II. shewing, making known, manifestation (a) of a circumstance :-- Ēristes ædeáunise resurrectionis manifestatio, Jn. p. 8, I. Ārīse hine dió engelica ædeáunise (revelatione) ongēton, Lk. p. II, 8. (b) of a person, bringing into public notice :-- On dæg ædeáunise (-eównisse, R.) his in diem ostensionis suae, Lk. L. I. 80. ¶ in a special sense Epiphany :-- Ðone hālgan dæg æt Drihtnes , ætȳwnesse. . . . On done sextan dæg þæs mōndes bid se mǣra dæg þone Grēcas nemnad epiphania . . . ꝥ is on ūre geþeóde Drihtnes aetȳwnessedæg. Shrn. 48, 9-15. III. shewing, making clear by explanation, exposition :-- Bīspell gesætte breht ædeáwnise parabolam exponit clara manifeslatione. Mk. p. 3, 4. III a. shewing by orderly arrangement, argument of a book :-- Æteáuunis argumentum, Jn. p. I. I. IV. what is seen, a vision, an apparition :-- Hē wolde witan ymbe þā ætȳw-nysse þe him æteáwde, and cwæd: Hwæt is þeós gesihd þe mē æteáwde ?, Hml. S. 30, 56. Ealle þā ætȳwnysse þāra āwerigdra gāsta onweg gewiton, Guth. 48, 18. v. æt-ȳwnys in Dict. æt-iwness