Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - án-daga
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- án-daga
- Add:--Hé cwæð þæt hé wolde sylf on ðæm dæge ðe hé gecwæð ðǽr gecuman . . . Hí georne ðæs ándagan cépton. Þá æteówode Benedictus . . . on þǽre nihte þe se ándaga on merigen wæs, Hml. Th. ii. 172, 9-17. Æfter þám fyrste and ándagan þe se heáhengel gecwæð tó Danihele, 14, 18. Tó þám ándagan þe hé him gewissode, Hml. A. 97, 167. Hé hæfð gecweden ándagan, ꝥ hé sceall ácwellan míne mǽgðe, 99, 262. Ꝥ mann sceolde settan swylcne ándagan Gode, ꝥ hé binnan líf dagum þám folce gehulpe, 108, 211. Nis se man on eorðan þe wite þæne ándagan (the appointed end of the world) bútan Gode sylfum, Wlfst. 90, 1. Þá cende hé tém and lét þone forberstan and forbéh þone ándagan, Cht. Th. 206, 29. and next word. an-daga