Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - an-fón
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- an-fón
- p. -féng; pp. -fangen To take, take to one's self, receive, perceive, comprehend; accipere, suscipere, sumere, percipere, recipere :-- Ðú sceonde æt me anfénge thou shouldest have taken to thyself shame from me, Cd. 42; Th. 54, 10; Gen. 875 : Exon. 112 a; Th. 429, 12; Rä. 43, 3: Ps. C. 50, 135; Ps. Grn. ii. 280, 135. To anfónne to receive, Bd. 3, 6; S. 528, 4.