
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - ancor-setl

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add:--Ancersetles anachoreseos, An. Ox. 3638. On ancorsetle, Wrt. Voc. ii. 2, 54. On ancersetle and lífe in anchoretica vita, Bd. 5, 1; Sch. 549, 3. Wunode sum sácerd on ancersetle . . . Se hálga onette tó ðám ancersetle ðǽr hé ǽr gesæt, Hml. Th. ii. 152, 4, 20. Hé on ancorsetle wunade, Shrn. 71, 9. Hé gesæt ancersetl on Fearne, 72, 19. ancor-setl