
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - and-efn

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Substitute: and-ef(e)n (in N. E. D.), e: pl. -ef(e)nu; f. Measure:--Neáh andefene prope modum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 66, 73. I. of persons, quality, capacity, nature:--For ðǽre ungelícnesse ðára hiéremonna sculun beón ungelíc ðá word ðæs láreówes, ðæt hé hiene selfne geðeóde tó eallum his hiéremonnum, tó ǽghwelcum be his andefne (-efene, v. l.) pro qualitate audientium formari debet sermo doctorum, ut ad sua singulis congruat, Past. 175, 4. Dóð gé eówrum monnum ðæt ilce be hira andefne (-efene, v. l.), 203, 1. Ǽlc gesceaft is tó árianne be hire andefne, and symle sió héhste swíþost, Bt. 32, 2; F. 116, 14. Engelum hé gef be heora andefne, and manna sáulum hé gyfð ǽlcre be hyre andefne swilca gyfa, Shrn. 192, 2-3. Witað ðæt ðæt iów gemetlic sié and iówer ondefenu (-efnu, v. l.) sién tó witenne sapere ad sobrietatem, Past. 95, 1. Ðonne sió úpáhæfenes bið átyht ofer hire andefnu (-efenu, v. l.) dum elatio supra se tenditur, 301, 19. II. of things, quantity, amount, nature, extent:--Tódǽlað hí his feoh on fíf oððe syx, hwýlum on má, swá swá þæs feós andefn bið, Ors. 1, 1; S. 20, 29. Be þǽre andefne heora unrihtwísnesse secundum multitudinem impietatum eorum, Ps. Th. 5, 11. Be ðæs gyltes andefne (-efene, v. l.), Past. 195, 10: Bl. H. 45, 29: Bt. 38, 7; F. 210, 8. Æfter þæs deóres mihte & efne ( =andefne or and efne?), Lch. i. 328, 15. Æfter heora geearnunga anddyfene secundum merita, R. Ben. 13, 7. Ǽlc hæfð beþám andefnum þe hé ǽr æfter eornað each will have according to the extent of his previous efforts, Shrn. 201, 2. v. land-efn. and-efn

Related words: evene
