Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - andet(t)ere
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- andet(t)ere
- Add:--On ðone .V. an dæg þæs móndes biþ ðæs Godes andetteres tíd Scí Quinti, Shrn. 126, 11. Ondetteres, Rtl. 65, 6. Ondeteres, 49, 4: 88, 40. On ðǽra hálgena mæssedagum þe wé hátað confessores, þæt sind andeteras. Ðá sind hálige andeteras þe Crístes naman mid sóðum geleáfan andetton bealdlíce betwux gedwolmannum, Hml. Th. ii. 558, 21-24. Þæt hé ús his andetterum ðá ǽddran geopenige, i. 562, 5. III. andettere