Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - andian
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- andian
- Add:--to be envious; in a good sense, to be zealous, jealous, (1) absolute:--Sóð lufu ná andað caritas non emulatur, Scint. 75, 7. Angað invidet, Kent. Gl. 1050. Andigen liuescant, An. Ox. 5372. Andigende invidendo, Scint. 75, 19. Mé þone ðe ðú andigendne forbǽre, Hml. Th. ii. 418, 9. Þone andigendan wer, Hex. 46, 18. Andigendra invidentium, R. Ben. I. 93, 15. (2) with preps.:--Yfel bið se anda þe andað ongeán gódnysse, and se anda is gód ðe mid lufe andað ongeán yfelnysse . . . þá ðe þus andiað ongeán unriht. . . , Hml. Th. ii. 54, 22-25. Gif hwylc bróþor þýhþ, on þæt hý andiaþ, R. Ben. 139, 26. Ic andede ofer þá unrihtwísan zelavi super iniquos, Ps. Spl. 72, 3. Se níðfulla deófol andode on ðæs munuces lufe, Hml. Th. ii. 156, 8. Hé on his weorcum andode, 500, 6: Hml. S. 31, 35. Hí andodon on hys dǽdum, Hml. A. 66, 29. Ne andgiað on þone welegan, Ps. Th. 48, 16. Ne andige hé on ðám foreðeóndum, Hml. Th. i. 346, 32. Láðlíce andigan ongeán þá máran, Hml. A. 41, 417. Hé ongann andian on þæs hálgan weres gecneordnyssum sancti viri studiis coepit aemulari, Gr. D. 117, 8. andian