Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - ang-sumnes
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- ang-sumnes
- Add: I. distress of body :-- Hé (Herod when dying) mid ormǽtre angsumnysse wæs gecwylmed, Hml. Th. i. 88, 5. Sume hí cuwon heora gescý for ðǽre micclan angsumnysse ðæs hátan hungres, 404, 6. Mislice angsumnyssa hé forbær, ðá ðá hé næfde ne bigleofan, ne hǽlðe, ne hætera, 330, 13. II. distress of mind :-- Ne angsumnys ne ǽnig gnornung non angor, moeror, Wlfst. 139, 32. Þæs weges ongin þe tó Críste lǽt ne mæg beón begunnen bútan sumre ancsumnysse (ang-, R. Ben. 5, 17. Mid hyra anxsumnysse anxietate sua, Scint. 3, 5: Lch. iii. 200, 4. Anxumnyssum suspiria, anxietates, Hpt. Gl. 429, 61. Hé gehealt fram ancsumnyssum (angustiis) sáwle his, Scint. 79, 5. ang-sumnes