Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - bæc-ern
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- bæc-ern
- Add:--Bæcern pistrina, lytel bæcern pistrilla, Wrt. Voc. i. 58, 39, 40: pistrinum, 83, 13. Ꝥ ealle neódbehéfness, ꝥ is wæter, myll, orceard, bæcern (pistrinum), oððe mistlice cræftas wiðinnan minstre beón gegánne, R. Ben. I. 112, 15. Ðæs bæcernes tácen is þæt mon mid bám sámlocone handum tógædere, swilce þú dáh brǽdan wille, Tech. ii. 128, 4. Kycenan and bæcernes (pistrinae), Angl. xiii. 441, 1087. On kycenon oðþe on mynstres bæcerne, R. Ben. 71, 18. bæc-ern