
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - be-beódan

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Under I. dele 'to give . . . generally,' and add: with dat. of person and acc. or clause of the command, &c. I. to order, enjoin:--Ðæt hé sprecende bebiét quod loquendo imperat, Past. 81, 10. Bebiót, Kent. Gl. 816. Swá him háligu gewreotu bebeódaþ, Bl. H. 45, 6. Ic sylle þæt þú ǽr bebude, Ps. Th. 39, 7. Hé bebeád his suna þæt hé tówearp þæt templ, Ors. 6, 7; S. 262, 19. Hé bebeád þæt nán crísten mon ne cóme on his hiérede, 6, 30; S. 282, 29. Hwæt yfela bebeád Drihten ǽfre, Bl. H. 41, 2. Bebudan sancserunt, An. Ox. 1301. Bebiód ðis praecipe hoc, Past. 385, 30. S. Paulus sægde ꝥ Críst sylfa bebude Moyse ꝥ hé óþrum láreówum sægde, Bl. H. 45, 20. Windum stilnesse bebeódan, 177, 17. Healde man mæssedæg swá hé beboden beó, Wlfst. 117, 5. Hí wǽron bebodene imperantur, An. Ox. 4782, II. to commit, commend:--Ic mé þé bebeóde, Hml. S. 23 b, 448. Gif ðú gewítest, hwǽm bebeódest þú ús?, Bl. H. 225, 17. Þá þré fǽmnan þe him Críst bebeád, 145, 31. Þé Gode bebeód te Deo commenda, Ll. Th. ii. 226, 16. Bebeóde hé hine Gode, Lch. ii. 116, 8: Bl. H. 47, 19. Ꝥ hí míne forðfóre mid bénum Dryhtne bebeódan (commendent), Bd. 4, 3; Sch. 357, 11. Tó bebeódenne commendenda, Wrt. Voc. ii. 79, 80. Beboden commissus, 132, 36. Þá bebodenan credita, 96, 73. Hé his ealdormen hæfde beboden þá clúsan tó healdanne, Ors. 6, 36; S. 291, 26. II a. to offer to the gods:--Þá cuman hé tó blóte dyde and hys godum bebeád hospitum sanguinem diis propinabat, Ors. 1, 8; S. 40, 33. II b. to commit into (on, in):--His gást on (in, ) his handa bebeódende spiritum suum in manus ejus commendando, Bd. 4, 24; Sch. 491, 21. III. to announce:--Þæt hé Alexandres wísan besceáwade, swá hé hit him eft hám bebeád (omnia civibus suis enunciabat), Ors. 4, 5; S. 168, 13. [v. bi-beódan in Dicf. O. Frs. bi-biada: O. H. Ger. bi-biotan.] be-beodan

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