
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - be-ceápian

According to the Old English Dictionary:

p. ode; pp. od To sell; vendere :-- He sceolde ealle his wélan beceápian he should sell all his wealth, Homl. Th. i. 62, 3. Se ðe sóþfæstnysse beceápaþ wið feó he who sells truth for money, ii. 244, 24. Hí beceápodon heora ǽhta they sold their possessions, i. 316, 4,11, 31. Beceápa ealle ðíne ǽhta sell all thy possessions, ii. 400, 12.

Related words: be-cýpan, ceápian. be-ceapian
