Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - be-delfan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- be-delfan
- Add: I. to dig a grave:--Þá byrgena mon feor on eorðan bedelfe, Ll. Th. ii. 408, 12. II. to dig about:--Þæt treów bið bedolfen, Hml. Th. ii. 408, 29. III. to bury, put under ground, (1) of things:--Ágróf se mon on ærenum brede drýcræftes word and bedealf under þone þerscwold þæs húses, Shrn. 141, 16. Bedealf ús (thecrosses) man on deópan seáðe, Kr. 75. Nim his lifre and bedealf æt þám ymbhwyrftum þínra landgemǽra, Lch. i. 328, 22. (2) of persons (when there are no funeral rites):--Hié þá Rómáne cuce on eorþan bedulfan Minucia viva obruta est in campo, Ors. 3, 6; S. 108, 19. Hé hine lét ofsleán and deópe bedelfan, Chr. 1049; P. 168, 38. IV. to bury, put in a grave or tomb:--Git métað weal; bedelfað on ðám þone líchoman, Shrn. 139, 27. Bebyrge l bidelfa sepelire, Jn. L. 19, 40. [O. Sax. bi-delban: O. Frs. bi-delva: O. H. Ger. bi-telban.] be-delfan