Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - be-gang
According to the Old English Dictionary:
be-gong, bi-gang, bi-gong, bi-gencg, es ;
- be-gang
- m. [be, gang a step, proceeding]. I. a course, way, passage, circuit, district; cursus, via, tenor, circuitus :-- Ofer geofenes begang over the course of ocean, Beo. Th. 729; B. 362. Holma begang the passage of the deeps, Andr. Kmbl. 390; An. 195. Gársecges begang the circuit of ocean, 1059; An. 530. II. an undertaking, a business, exercise, service, religious worship; negotium, exercitatio, cultus :-- Ða willnode he hyne sylfne fram eallum begangum ðisse worulde fremde gedón cupivit se ab omnibus sæculi hujus negotiis alienare, Bd. 3, 19; S. 549, 38. On bigange ðæs áncorlífes in exercenda vita solitaria, 5, 1; S. 613, 9. Ðæt heó móste healdan ðone geleáfan and bigong hire ǽfestnysse ut fidem cultumque suæ religionis servaret, 2, 9 ; S. 510, 29 : 1, 7 ; S. 477, 21 : Jos. 23, 7. Bigencg observatio, studium, Scint. 7. be-gang