Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - be-geótan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
bi-geótan; he -gýt;
- be-geótan
- p. -geát, pl. -guton; pp. -goten, -geten [be, geótan to pour]. I. to pour out, to cast upon, to sprinkle, cover; aspergere :-- Ic wæs mid blóde bestémed, begoten of ðæs guman sídan I was wet with blood, poured from the man's side, Rood Kmbl. 97; Kr. 49. Mid blóde begoten sprinkled with blood, Chr. 734; Th. 76, 18 : Herb. 96, 4; Lchdm. i. 210, 3 : Rood Kmbl. 13; Kr. 7. II. to pour into; infundere :-- He me láre on gemynd begeát he poured knowledge into my mind, Elen. Kmbl. 2494; El. 1248. be-geotan