
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - be-helian

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add:--Ðæt mód mid ðǽre beheleð his fét, Past. 241, 20. Heofon behelað eal ðæt him beufan bið, Sal. K. p. 178, 9. Moyses behelede ðá bierhto his ondwlitan, Past. 459, 19. ꝥ fex hí behelede on ǽlce healfe, Hml. S. 7, 147. Þá heortan æt þínum burhgeatum behele (-a, ), Lch. i. 328, 24. Se preóst þá húselláfe behelie mid corporale, Ll. Th. ii. 358, 24. Ðeáh hé his þeáwas behelie, Prov. K. 58. Ðæt ðá loccas ðá hýd behelien (-igen, v. l.), Past. 141, 9. Ðæt hié hié gehýden and beheligen under ðǽm ryfte ðǽre leásunga, 239, 25. Behýd and behelod mid ðǽre eorþan, Bt. 15; F. 48, 25. Ðá triówa ðe ðé sindon opene, hí sindon git mid manegum óþrum behelede, 7, 2; F. 18, 4. Heora synna beóð behelede (tecta), Ps. Th. 31, I. [O. Frs. bi-hella: O. H. Ger. pi-hellen velare.] v. be-hylian. be-helian

Related words: l.
