Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - be-hindan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- be-hindan
- Add: I. prep. (l) dat.:--Behindan him sylfum tǽlan, Bl. H. 65, l. Hé þǽr wunode behindan óþrum mannum, Gr. D. 278, 21. Ðeáh hí sín behindan ðǽm ðe lǽssan hádes bióð, Past. 411, 23. (2) with acc.:--Ðeáh hé dó God behindan hine, Past. 373, I. Gong bi-hionda mec uade retro me, Mk. R. 8, 33. II. ad--Ðá Deniscan sǽton þǽr behindan, Chr. 894; P. 86, 4. Hié gebunden his handa be-hindan, Bl. H. 241, 29. Behindon forlǽtan, Nar. 7, 3, Stód bihianda stans retro, Lk. L. 7, 38. Cwom bihianda venit retro, Mk. L. 5, 27. Behianda (bihionda R.), Lk. L. 8, 44. be-hindan