Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - be-limpan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- be-limpan
- Add: I. to belong to:--Belimpþ attinet. An. Ox. 27, 22. (l) of possession:--Se dæg (the extra day of leap-year) belimpþ ǽgðer ge tó ðǽre sunnan ge tó ðám mónan, Lch. iii. 264, 13. Þá termina gebyriaþ l belimpað tó Pentecosten, Angl. viii. . 329, 2. (2) of subordination or subjection:--Þæt Witland belimpeð tó Éstum, Ors. 1, 1; S. 20, 6. Þá belimpað tó þám deófle þe grǽdignysse gefremmað, Scrd. 20, 10. Eal ðæt folc þe tó his ríce belomp, Shrn. 120, 33. Manege scíran mid weorce tó Lundenne belumpon, Chr. 1097; P. 234, 5. (3) to be of a class:--Þá þuneras ne belimpað tó ðám ðunere þe on þyssere lyfte brastlað, Lch. iii. 280, 12. Belimpende pertinentes (ad inferiorem gradum), An. Ox. 872. (4) to be proper for, adapted to:--Þás lǽce-dómas belimpað tó eallum innoþa mettrymnessum, Lch. ii. 158, 1, Leóð þá þe tó ǽfestnesse belumpon carmina religioni apta, Bd. 4, 24; Sch. 481, 5. Ǽlc man, hwæt his háde tó belumpe, folgade, Chr. 1086; P. 219, 31. (5) to concern, be the concern of a person:--Hwæt belympð tó þé hwylcere mǽgðe ic sý, Hml. S. 19, 56. (6) to pertain to, relate to, have to do with :--Þá þing þe Gode belimpað, Ex. 4, 16. Ðá ðing ðe tó scipene belimpað, Angl. ix. 260, 5. Plegan tó ðám bæðstede belimpende, An. Th. 12, 18. II. to happen, befall:--Belamp evenit, conligit, An. Ox. 3203. Belamp ꝥ se arꝥ UNCERTAIN férde tó Róme, Chr. 1070; P. 206, 7. Ðætte ne wyrsa ðé bilimpe (blimpe, L. contingat), Jn. R. 5, 14. Þæt him ne belimpe se egeslica cwyde that the terrible sentence be not applied to them, Hml. Th. ii. 536, 6. III. to be-come, attain the character of:--Þis godspel ús tó bysene belimpeþ éces lífes, Bl. H. 15, 32. Þá ælmessan þe gé syllaþ eów tó nǽnigre áre ne belimpaþ (-eþ, MS.), 41, 23. Ðæt bið unnyt word, ðætte gescédwíse menn ne magon ongietan ðæt hit belimpe tó ryhtwíslicre ðearfe otiosum verbum est, quod ratione justae necessitatis caret, Past. 281, 12. be-limpan