Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - be-settan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- be-settan
- Add; I. to set, place, (1) with on, (a) to put one thing in another :-- Ic on besette insero, Ælf. Gr. Z. 166, 3. God ðá sáwle beset on ðone líchaman, Hml. Th. i. 292, 31. He him sawle on besett, ii. 206, 25. þá hé on his geleáffulra heortan beset, 524, 12. (b) to place hope, reliance on, inflict persecution on :-- Deófol Godes gecorenum éhtnysse on besett, Hml. Th. ii. 200, 10. Wé besettað úrne hiht on eów, i. 24, 2. Hí heora hiht on þissum lífe besettað, 172, 14. Ealne módes hiht on God sylfne besette man, Wlfst. 75, 5. On besettan inpingere. An. Ox. 4229. (2) with tó, to apply :-- Nylle gé heortan tó besettan (apponere), Ps. L. 61, 11. II. to surround: -- þ ǽt. líc læg mid mannum besett. Hml. Th. ii. 346, 5. His líc læg ealle þá niht inne beset, 348, 19. Wítum besette on helle, Wlfst. 145, 31. II a. to besiege :-- Gé beóð lange inne besette, Deut. 28, 53. III. to set with something inserted :-- Hé eall wæs beset mid heora scotungum, Hml. S. 32, 117. Hié wǽron ymb eal útan mid eágum besett, Past. 195, 19. [Goth. bi-satjan : O. H. Ger. pi-sezzen.] be-settan