Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - be-stingan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- be-stingan
- Add: -- Gif heó ꝥ heáfod innan þám men bestincð (-stingð, ), Angl. vii. 28, 259. Bestang se hálga his hand him on múð, Hml. Th. ii. 510, 34. Hire man bestang sweord on ðá hracan, Shrn. 56, 13. Hé bestang þone hláf on þ sealtfæt, Hml. A. 163, 254. Hé bestang fýr in þ corn, Gr. D. 290, 23. Hí bestungon him on múðþone mete, Hml. S. 25, 34, 88. Beren eár bestinge on eáre, Lch. ii. 54, ii. Ðeáh hié mettas him on múð bestingon on fæstendægum though they cram food into their mouths on fast days, Hml. Th. ii. 330, 31. Gif sió lendcribrǽde bið on bestungen, Ll. Th. i. 98, 2. [Goth. bi-stiggkwan.] v. an-, in-bestingan in Dict. be-stingan