Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - be-þencan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- be-þencan
- Add: I. to think about, consider, (1) with acc. :-- Sé þe sóð on his heortan beðencð, R. Ben. 3, 19. Beþencað domes dæg, Wlfst. 228, 31. p þú beþence (tone rǽdels, Ap. Th. 5, 7.) Beþænce hé (cogitet) Godes edleán, R. Ben. 92, 12. Beþænce se fæder þone sunu and se sunu þone fæder bútan yrre, Wlfst. 228, 23. pæt heó beþencenDrihtnes ǽrendgewrit, 230, 33. Hit is earfoðe eall tó gesecganne þæt sé beðencan sceal ðe scíre healt, Angl. ix. 265, 5. Moniga tó biðencanne gehéht multa cavenda praecefit. Mt. p. 19, 15. (I a) reflexive :-- Be-þenc þé animadverte, An. Ox. 56, 25. þæt hý hý sylfe georne beþencan . . . þæt hé hyne sylfne beþence, Wlfst. 179, 4-11. Ic eów sumes fyrstes geann ꝥ gé eów sylfe beþencean, Hml. S. 23, 188. þæt hí hí beðencan sceoldon. Hml. Thi ii. 424, 15. (2) with clause :-- Oð ꝥ hí beðóhton hú hí hine ácwealdon, Hml. S. 15, 59. Beþence hé hine sylfne, and beðence hwæðer hine ne mæge ǽnig man getǽlan, Wlfst. 233, 22. (3) with prep. :-- ꝥ hé ǽfre ne beþence ymbe þá hreówsunge de poenitentia nunquam cogitare, Ll. Th. ii. 174, 25. II. to entrust to (for examples beþencan, occurs with this sense in the following passage :-- Seo heordelice gýming tó ðám beran wæs beþancenu injungebatur urso cura pastoralis, Gr. D. 206, 15. [Goth. bi-þaggkjan: O. L. Ger. bi-thenkian : O. Frs. bi-thanka, -thensa : O. H. Ger. pi-denchen.] v. ǽr-, un-beþóht. be-þencan