Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - be-tyrnan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- be-tyrnan
- p. de. I. to turn round :-- On ánre wendinge, ðá hwíle te he the firmament ǽne betyrnð, gǽð forð feówor and twéntig tída. Hex. 8, 13. Embhwerfte betyrndum orbis valutas, Hy. S. 96, 5. II. to bend the knee, prostrate one's self :-- Betyrne þám sylfan fótum voluat si ipsius abbatis pedibus, R. Ben. I. 78, 14. Betyrnan hý will ealra geférena cneówa swá biddende þæt heoin fore gebeden sý provolutis genibus (betyrndum cneówum, R. Ben. 1. 66, 13) ah omnibus postulent pro se orari, R. Ben. 59, 20. be-tyrnan