
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - be-warenian

According to the Old English Dictionary:


Substitute: I. to guard one's self against, keep one's self from, avoid, (a) with prep, (wiþ ) :-- Gif hé hine ne be-warenað wið þá unþeáwas miseras fitgare yuerelas non posse, Met. 16, 23. Ðí ðe hié wið scylda bewareniað qui se a pravis custodiunt. Past. 437, 6. Sýn hý eáþmóde, bewarnian hý wiþ módignesse, R. Ben. 140, 8. (b) with negative clause :-- Hí bewarniaþ hí, ꝥ hi hira mód ne besmítaþ mentem inquinare devitant, Gr. D. 209, 8. ꝥ hí hí sylfe bewarnian, ꝥ hí ne þurfan cuman ne ipsi veniant, 310, 21. II. to ward off from one's self :-- þá óþre geseóð þi yfel, tó þon ꝥ hí heom bewarnian þá, and þás beóð þe má wítnode þe hí noldon heom bewarnian þá hellewítu ut isti videant mala quae caveant, illi vero eo amplius puniantur, guod inferni supplicia vitare noluerunt, Gr. D. 321, 7. II a. to guard against :-- Sý bewarnod, þæt hit ná ne gesǽle caveatur ne proveniat, R. Ben. 36, 5. III. to watch, guard :-- þú bewarnast obser-vaberis, Ps. Spl. 129, 3.

Related words: next word. be-warenian
