Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - be-witan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- be-witan
- Add: I. in a general sense, to take charge of, watch over :-- Wén is ꝥ hé wille bewitan á his menn ge on lífe ge on deá ðe, Hml. S. 17, 187, II. of official or professional action, to have charge or direction of, (1) persons :-- Se mágister þe þá cild bewát the schoolmaster, Tech. ii. 118, 12. þ á hyndenmenn and þá þe teóðunge bewitan, Ll. Th. i. 236, 4. Ic wæs dæges and nihtes mid hyre and hí bewiste, and heó hlyste mínre láre, Wlfst. 140, 18. Se yldesta bewiste þá þe nigene teó Sélcum geláste, Ll. Th. ii. 30, 22. part werod þe hé (Lucifer) bewiste, Hml. Th. i. 10, 17. Oðer bewiste his byrlas, óðer his bæcestran alter pincernis praeerat, alter pistoribus, Gen. 40, 2. þ ára geréfena þe þá men bewiston æt þám temple, Angl. xi. 9, 24. Hundredes ealdras þe ðá burhware bewiston, Hml. Th. ii. 418, 34. Se lǽce tilað ðæs gewundedan ðe hé bewitan sceal (cui medicamentum adhibet). Past. 457, 16. Se cyng sende Ælfún mid þám æþelingum, ꝥ hé hí bewitan sceolde, Chr. 1013; P. 144, 15. Hé hié (his sons) betáhte twǽm ealdormonnum tó bewitanne singulis potissimis infantum cura commissa erat, Ors. 6, 37; S. 296, 2. (2) places, institutions, &c. :-- Se ealdor þe þæt mynster bewát qui monasterio praeest, Cht. Th. 333, 37- Hǽðen mundbora þe þá burh bewiste, Hml. S. 22, 99: 3, 61. pá góde mæn þe þis land bewiston, Chr. 1091; P. 226, 27. (3) property :-- þá (the senators) wæron simbel binnan Rómebyrg wuniende, tó þon ꝥ hié bewisten eal ꝥ licgende feoh, Ors. 2, 4; S. 72, 4. Hé betǽhte hit Eardulfe tó bewitenne commisit manerium Eardulfo ad custodiendum, Cht. Th. 271, 25. Ic an ðæs landes Æffan tó bewitanne, 496, 14, (4) implements, affairs, offices, &c. :-- Ælfríc þá sócne mínre móder tó handa bewiste, C. D. ihis almoner, Hml. S. 26, 91. Se munuc þe þæs mynstres geat bewiste, 23 b, 66. Hé ungeorne bewiste hwæt he dyde he managed his business carelessly. Bl. H. 183, 23. Hí gesettan him x consulas, tó þon ꝥ hié hiera ǽ bewisten (constituendarum legum gratia), Ors. 2, 6; S. 88, 19. Swilce þú micel bewytan wills as if you wish to see after much business (?), Tech. ii. 121, 8. Ð á ðing tó bewitanne ðe tó scipene belimpað, Angl. ix. 260, 4. Mynstres ǽhta on tólum oþþe on reáfum sýn betǽhte tó bewitenne þám gebróþrum, R. Ben. 56, 4. be-witan