Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - be-witian
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- be-witian
- Add: I. to watch, observe :-- Sé sceal þ ǽre sunnan síð behealdan, . . . georne bewitigan, hwonne up cyme æðclost tungla, Ph. 92. II. to have charge or direction of, see about or after, (1) living things :-- Be ð ám (te beon bewitað concerning the beekeeper, Ll. Th. i. 434, 35. (2) places :-- þæs mægenbrymmes nán þe ricebewitigað, þeódnes þrýlgesteald, Cri. 353. (3) affairs, proceedings, matters :-- Hí þá þeg-nunge beweotigað, El. 745. Hé ealle beweotede þegnes þearfe, B. 1796. Hé þý geornlícar hire þearfa begá and bewiotige, Cht. Th. 470, 13. þæs behðfaí hie. eþa ǽghwylc, þ he his sáwle s!ð sylfa bewitige (geþence, MS. Vercel. ) that he see after the course of his soul, Exon. Th. 367, 4. þæt hé (the star) þǽre sunnan síð bewitige, hé sceal beforan féran, Met. 4, 16. Ealle gesceafta mótan heora gewunan bewitigan bútan me ánum all creatures may direct their customs except me only, Bt. 7, 3; F. 20, 24 : Gú. 170.