
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - beard

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add:--Beard barba, Wrt. Voc. i. 64, 42. Beard him beón bescoren hearm hit getácnað, Lch. iii. 198, 28. Se beard and ꝥ feax wǽron oþ þá fét síde, Shrn. 120, 25. Mid sídum bearde, Hml. Th. i. 466, 24. Ælfsige mid þám berde, Cht. E. 257, 1. Lǽdes mannes tácen is þæt þú þé mid ealre hande be þínum cynne nime, swilce þú þé be bearde niman wille, Tech. ii. 129, 17. Wé lǽrað ꝥ ǽnig gehádod man . . . his beard ǽnige hwíle ne hæbbe, Ll. Th. ii. 254, 13. Þonne hé (one entering a monastery) his beard áléde, Hml. S. 6, 2228. Hí habbað beardas oþ cneów síde, Nar. 35, 2: 38, 1. ¶ beardas (used of a single person) beard and whiskers:--Ꝥ hire wolden beardas weaxan on þám andwlitan, Gr. D. 279, 10. Hé hæfð síde beardas, hwón hárwencge, Hml. Th. i. 456, 18.

Related words: wang-beard. beard
