Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - bearhtm-hwíl
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- bearhtm-hwíl
- Add:--Ꝥ ꝥ waes án brehtmhwíl (breahtm-, ), þá heó ꝥ heáfod upp áhóf and se regn ofdúne feóll quatenus unum idemque esset momentum, et levare caput et pluviam deponere, Gr. D. 168, 6. Þá hraðe on þá ylcan tíd næs án brehtmhwíl tó ðon ꝥ se cniht gewearð geswænced hora eadem ac momento puer vexatus est, 242, 30. Gif hé mihte on ánre bearhtmhwíle (berhtm-, v. l.) swá feorr gefaran si tam longe potuit sub momento ire, 150, 12. Áne berhtmhwíle (bærht-, v. l.) áswygode seó stefn parvo momenta vox siluit, 52, 28. v. beorht-hwíl. bearhtm-hwil