Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - beó-breád
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- beó-breád
- For meanings given substitute: Honeycomb with honey, and add:--Beóbreád favus, Wrt. Voc. i. 27, 65: favum, 284, 70: favi, ii. 37, 62: Beóbréd favus, Germ. 390, 72. Hwæt getácnode ðæs hunies beóbreád ? Beóbreád is on twám ðingum, on weaxe and on hunie, Hml, Th. ii. 292, 13-15. Werednm beóbreáde dulci favo, Wülck. Gl. 225, 19. Sáwl áfylled trytt beóbreád, Scint. 50, 9: Lch. ii. 126, I. Hé æt huniges beóbreád, Shrn. 68, 31. Biábreád, Ps. Srt. 118, 103. Bióbreád, Rtl. 3, 34: Lk. p. II, 14. [O. L. Ger. bí-bród: O. H. Ger. bí-brót.]. in Dict. beo-bread