
Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - bera

According to the Old English Dictionary:

Add :-- Bera vel bar berrus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 126, 1. Bera sceal on hǽðe, eald and egesfull, Gu. C. 29. Hét ꝥ hþine man wurpe berum tó fretanne . . . and þǽr wæs begyten se mǽsta and se réþesta bera, Gr. D. 194, 20-25. Fearres gelícnysse and beran ansýne, Guth. 48, 2. Wilde beran and wulfas, Hml. Th. i. 244, 18 : Nar. 12, 3. ETH;a egeslican beran, Hex. 14, 33. In menigo leóna and berena, Shrn. 133, 10. Mid wildum berum and leónum gewyldan, Hml. Th. 192, 24. bera