Bosworth & Toller Anglo-Saxon Old English Dictionary - bétan
According to the Old English Dictionary:
- bétan
- Add: I. to make good, put right, (l) to mend, repair, restore :-- Hí béttan heora scipa, Chr. 1009; P. 140, 4. Wyrcan wé brycge and þá bétan (cf. brycg-bó;t), Wlfst. 239, 9. Uton bétan úre cyrcean, 303, 5. (1a) of a fire or light (beet in D. D.), to attend to a fire, lamp :-- Hé þá leóhtfatu gýmeleáslícor bétte, Gr. D. 237, 1. Ná bete nán man ꝥ fýr ná læncg þonne man þá hálgunge onginne, Ll. Th. i. 226, 25. Hét bewindan heora fét mid flexe, and fýr under bétan, Hml. S. 4, 393. Hé árás tó bétanne þá leóht (ad melioranda lumi-aoria), Gr. D. 227, 4. (2) in a medical sense, to do good, cure :-- Scearpa þá stówe, þonne bétst þú íá, Lch. ii. 82, 13. Wel þæt bét, 28, 17. Þá hóman hyt béteþ, i. 360, 11. (3) to correct, emend an error, mistake :-- Ic béte sume leáse bóc corrigo, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 173, 10. Dú boetas restitues, Mt. p. 3, 11. We boetas corrigimus, 2, 2 Trah-teras tó boetanne interpretes emendasse, 12.(4) to amend, reform what is wrong, imperfect :-- Béec (castigo) líchoma mín, Rtl. 6, 7. Hé folces frið bétte, Chr. 959; P. 114, 20. ꝥ wé synna béton mid fæste-num and mid sóþre hreówe. ꝥ bið seó sóþe hreów ꝥ mon synna andette and georne béte, Bl. H. 25, 16-19. þæt hé wolde ǽlc þǽra þinga bétan þe hí ealle áscunedon, Chr. 1014; 145, 7. Yldende tó bétanne heora synna and mán differentes emendare scelera, Bd. 5, 12; Sch. 626, 15. II. to make good, make amends, reparation for, atone for :-- þ é þe yfel dóð and þæt ne bétað qui nequiter agunt, Ps. Th. 36, 9. Ða menn þe heora synna and unrihtes geswtcaþ, and hié heora scriftum geandettiaþ, and be heora dóme bétaþ, Bl. H. 193, 23. Ǽghwylc man sceal bétan his wóhdaeda be his gyltes andefne, 45, 38. Ælc þǽra þe his gyltas wið God bétan (erga Deum emendare] wylle, Ll. Th. ii. 134, 2 : Ps. Th. 50, 5. II a. in the laws, to make 'bot,' pay the fine for a crime :-- Gif se hund má misdǽda gewyrce, and hé (the owner) hine hæbbe, béte be fullan were, Ll. Th. i. 78, 7. Béte man ꝥ fullum were, 286, 27: 110, 17. betan